Monday 17 December 2012

Was Clark Griswold Constructively Dismissed?

Here is a Christmas question: Was Clark Griswold constructively dismissed by his employer in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? Watching the movie I was struck by two things: (1) how and why did I ever find this movie funny; and (2) this is a movie about constructive dismissal!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

ONCA puts Dent in Dentist's Business

How enforceable is a non-solicitation agreement in an Ontario employment contract? According to a decision released earlier today by the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Smilecorp Inc. v. Pesin, 2012 ONCA 853, sometimes the answer is “very enforceable.”

Sunday 2 December 2012

Is Having an Affair Just Cause?

Is having an affair at work "just cause" for dismissal from employment under Ontario's labour and employment laws?

The question was put to me by a colleague at the time of the David Petraeus scandal, and my initial impression was ‘likely only if precluded by an employee code of conduct, or something similar.’ The case of Reichard v. Kuntz, 2011 ONSC 7460 (CanLII), decided in December of 2011, provides some insight into the topic.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Poorly Drafted Employment Agreement Proves Costly

If a termination provision in an employment agreement does not technically violate the provisions of the Employment Standards Act at the time of termination, but has the potential to do so at other times, is it still enforceable? “No” says the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Lying to Obtain Insurance Benefits Just Cause for Dismissal

Is fabricating claims for certain health benefits and then lying about their fabrication “just cause” for dismissal from employment? In the case of Mykki Cavic v. Costco wholesale Canada Limited, 2012 ONSC 5307 (CanLII) the Honourable Justice Carole Brown of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, answered “yes” to that question.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Exclusion Clause Insulates Against Tort Claims

Can a limitation of wrongful dismissal damages clause in an employment agreement insulate individual employees from personal liability at the time of dismissal? "Yes" says the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The $2.5 Million Dollar Question

Not every employee who finds him or herself suddenly unemployed is entitled to severance pay in Ontario. Although almost all employees are entitled to “notice” of termination (employees on probation may not be entitled to notice, on this point see Probationary Periods and Notice,) significantly fewer are entitled to “severance.” (For a summary of what “notice” of termination entails, and wrongful dismissal generally see What is Wrongful Dismissal?)